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Monday, February 25, 2013

The Animal Jam Info.

Aj_logo_newPlay_wild_logo Brought to you by,  Nat_geo_logo_new

 Watch this video if you bother.   The link to it is 
or just watch it on Animal Jam's home screen under the home login menu
Icon_pawAnimal Jam membership!  You can also purchase a AJ Gift Card. Aj-cards-full These cards are available at Walmart. Save Money. Live Better.,Best Buy Logo,Safeway:Ingredients for Life, and also at Target.  To enter your AJ Gift Card you are at at home screen so then you click MEMBERSHIP at the top of the screen or at the bottom you can click the membership badge I have showed you earlier. Then your at a screen that shows what member you can buy, the following you should see are 1 month $5.95, 6 month $29.95, 12 month BEST VALUE $49.95. Then above that you see what you can buy it with. But then above that on the right of it you see a yellow button that says "gift codes" "redeem your animal jam membership code here!", click it.  And there you go. You should enter a place where it has Aj_returning_header on the top on the Enter Code thing! You enter the code on your Animal Jam Gift Card and agree to Animal Jam Terms of Service (i never look at the terms of service i just check the box) and click continue. I don't know what happens next because I never entered a Animal Jam gift card.                                               Aj_right_promo
Nat_geo_kids_logo_newAnimal Jam is inspired by National Geographic. This site is literally only for "children" but all ages are aloud. As you see on the home screen of on the top right it has the same icon. :D

Animal Jam OutfittersThen visit Animal Jam Outfitters! You can find Animal Jam outfitters when you log in on Animal Jam and you can see the icon at the bottom of the Animal Jam Playing screen. You can buy all sorts of cool things for real life or Animal Jam! Here are some items you can purchase.
  This requires real money... so I never end up buying anything. Not until I get my parents full permission.
Check out Animal Jam's latest blog, The Daily Explorer! The link to the home of the website is...

Check out Jamaa Central on AJ! (I will keep updating the AJ Jamaa Central picture)
Animal Jam's Feb-March Jamaa Central
This is for February through March! Lol I wish it was only for February cause I'm getting bored of the Paradise Party.  Hope you enjoyed the Animal Jam info! Bye!!!!!!!!

                                                                    -NekoAva on AJ


  1. I'm taking down the anime slideshow cause its just random who-knows-what!

  2. Get 100% free Animal jam codes and also cheats and also membership codes absolutely free from here ANIMAL JAM CODES
