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I met GummyUnicorn!

Hey Guys! Okay sorry I haven't been posting a lot... So, I'm STILL NekoAva! :D I met GummyUnicorn on AJ for the first time! :DD! Shes so nice! :D Here are some pics of her!

Here is Gummy in her MV, We Are Who We Are by Ke$ha :)
Shes a member at this time... its obvious. Shes saying.. "Our bodies
going numb, numb,nu-nu-nu-numb" The people with her are, Something ArcticWolf
with the green nametag, Mythical Wingedspirit with the white nametag,
Princess SillyWolf with the yellow/golden nametag,
Expert RockyGirl with the NM Nametag. And of course, Flora ArcticStar
with the pink nametag in the middle! :D
Here is Pony in her MV, Calling All The Monsters! Shes a member at this time,
shes saying, "Tonight all the monsters gonna dance!" The people with her are,
Knight SpiritMaster, Rosey Toughdolphin (shes invisable!), and Twinkle, Sorry I
cant see the others, And of course, Captain Cutepaw! :D

Gummy/Pony in her MV Dynamite! Shes a member during this time! The
only one in this pic is Pony, herself. Flora Arcticstar
Here is Gummy in her MV Raise Your Glass. :) Shes a member at
this time if you can see. She's saying "AND NITTY GRITTY DIRTY
LITTLE FREAKS!" :l Lol, Are you a Ponymaster? I am! :DD Lol the people
in this one is mentally only Pony, but I can name the others, Duke ShiverBell
is behind her, and then the other guy with the blue legend and black

This is GummyUnicorn, a NM at the time, in her lastest MV Schools out!
Btw shes saying, "Get you up" in this pic. The only person here is Pony!

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