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Sunday, March 10, 2013

AJ People You Should Be Friends With

•Me >:D (girl) rebel/emo)
•JoyKimmie (girl girlygirl) (my rlz sister)
•Briar0red (boy) (Umm he quit)
•MountainFountain (girl (cool person)
•TheToyStore (girl)
•Squirrel272 (boy)
•Skemma04 (girl) (cool person) (my RP sister)
•Meow618 (girl (cool person)
•XxRedRainxX (girl (gothic?) (She started playing AJ again) (She was my bff) (She hates Gummy)
•Tnt80 (girl) (shes my pet mix)
•AwesomeGirl54494 (girl (pretty nice and cool)
•Awesomeness411 (boy (cool person)
•Fluffo01 (girl) (my AJ sister)
•Xenosaga (girl) (close friend)
•Sirens (girl) (close friend)
•CandyPopMe (girl) (my AJ sister)
•LonerOfTheNight (boy (Briar convinced me to put him on the list) (Loner quit because Artpaw didn't like Briar .-.)
•Imamemily (girl) (close friend)
•Jammer22723 (boy) (My AJ brother-annoying)
•ArtPaw (My Best Friend) (girl) (she goes by ArtClaw)
•PsychicDefective (boy) (BVF-Best Violent Friend)
•0Magicle0 (boy) (A 'friend')

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